Technology in 1866-1914

Some of our young consumer think of technology today as “slow” or “not that great“. teen techI remember when I was about six years old that the greatest game of all was that pinball game on that the dinosaur computer (we once all had if you are a 90s or 80s baby) when your parents didn’t want to pay for internet. Hours and hours of just making a ball hit several items to get a high score. This was around early 2000s so yes it was quite recent but nothing compared to the 1800s. Now that I look back I really do appreciate all these cool handheld electronics that have been made just for our entertainment…sometimes even for business.

So let’s take it back a couple decades when the telegraphy had just began to work and it was starting to get it’s recognition has today’s texts messages. The U.S. did not use the telegraphy until it showed it was successfully completed with using a Telegraphytransatlantic cable in 1866.  There was a new way to sending and receiving message without using the operators who had to have training in Morse code to interpret messages. Following the telegrapher, teleprinters were now invented to do what the telegraphy did but with out the hassle of Morse code. The system of two teleprinters, with one operator trained to use a typewrite replace not just one but TWO Morse code operators.

Today many of Americans are so concentrated into their phones that they do not pay attention to their surroundings. Out whole world has revolved around technology a six year old is mainly entertained with an iPad tablet. What happened to playing outside with your own shadows and jumping in puddles after it rained. Playing handball at school and just embracing nature, rolling around in the grass. I have a sister who is eight years old. Yes she does play outside, I personally made her a swing so she can just get out of the house for once in a while. What she does now is play outside on her swing, and record VIDEOS!!!!!!! She literally blogs on YouTube and can just talk about anything. The reason she does this is because she goes on her cell phone, clicks on YouTube and just watches random videos that look intriguing to her. All due to being born in a high tech era.  

When there is texting there is also phone calls. So in our pockets right now there is about a 5 in screen that cracks with the slightest touch, (iPhone users know what I’m talking about) behind that screen is a whole bunch of codes and some buttons that I still don’t understand. Before all this great things began Alexander Graham Bell was credited for inventing the first practical telephone in 1876. It somewhat looked similar to the cups and strings phones we use to make when we were kids. The invention of the telephone was so powerful it generated into other great inventions. Light bulb

During the 1880-1882 Thomas Edison was on his way on creating electric lighting. Edison developed other greatly influences in life that went world wide including the phonograph. While Bell created the telephone, the phonograph was made to just record sound. Edison also invented the motion picture cinema and the practical long lasting electric light bulb Is it not just crazy how much technology escalated in just one decade while it took many years for one inventor just to distribute the equipment he should THINK what he needs.

Before as to what I assume is that people would be left in the dark at night time with just candles or candled lanterns which did not really help (well from out perspective today). Now that Edison created this great world wide influence on us, people can even stay up longer or have WILD parties at their houses. Photographers can also not have to rely on the sun so much and take night, dark pictures with enough lighting to captivate the pictures.

Moving onto the 1890-1895s was when commercial production of automobiles began and was at an early stage.The first company that formed the automobiles was Panhard et Levassor in France in 1887. In 1891 was when they designed the first Levassor which consisted of four wheels a front mounted engine with rear wheel drive and a sliding gear transmission which were sold for 3500 francs. This began to have people experience road trips probably not as long as today’s but enough where their families were content with just about anything.

old cardlambo

Now to what I understand from today’s perspective is that people tend to show off their cars. To those people who were able to afford cars were probably the owners of factories which were making BIG money. Compared to today’s Americans, the people who have nice cars and spend so much money on their cars are actually not the richest. People with nice cars are often judged to be someone who makes a lot of money but truthfully to those people. Those people are the ones that tend to have no money because of their car and how much money they put into something that can be destroyed within a second or milliseconds.

Following the design Levassor made, the Model T Ford created by Henry Ford completely dominating the automobile market and selling more automobiles compared to the other makers combined in 1914. The Ford Model T also known as T-Model Ford or Model-T was best regarded for it was an affordable price to the common middle-class American. This was because Henry Ford made this automobile by an assembly rather than an individual craftsmanship. This one particular automobile really did make a difference due to the fact that the automobiles from previous decades were much more expensive but not that luxurious. Henry Ford made it available for any man to be able to take their ow family out to family sightings and are able to take vacations to adventurous resorts on the weekends before the whole began again.

Technology is changing our mentally with just how much it’s advancements and it is controlling our little ones.

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